On May 11, 2022, the International Relations department of IET TSUC (Tajikistan) held on the training activities specified under the ERASMUS+ program on W.P.3.7.2. PILOT TESTING: Mobility actions of students and professors.
First, c.ph.s, docent, Ismailova Mutriba, Senior Lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department Zaripova Munavvar, and Head of International Relations Mukhtorov Saidqosim made a joint presentation on “Tourism in Tajikistan”. The guests learned about the culture and civilization of the Tajiks, the unique natural resources, and the great historical monuments of Tajikistan.
After then, c.ph.s, docent, Kamolov Farrukh made a presentation on “Internationalization of Tajik philosophy and science in the past.”
Then the 3rd internal workshop with local participants and partner universities in Khujand is connected by zoom with partner universities. The opening workshop was conducted by Deputy Director of Research and International Relations Dalerjon Mirpochoev and during his speech stated: “We are all here gathered to discuss the issues of internationalization of research, internationalization problems and issues of universities and some specialties of functioning universities this seminar will help to find some aspects to formulate some visions of the further cooperation “
The Head of the International Relations Department Saidqosim Mukhtorov expressed his speech mostly about the UNICAC program and mentioned that UNICAC has been coordinated by the University of Seville the idea of the UNICAC is to build institutional international cooperation between universities of Central Asia and China this workshops and coming international joint conference will be dedicated to university cooperation of Central Asia with China and other parts of East Asia in the framework of the UNICAC project and mentioned that 7 different work packages are being implemented.
The representative of China also mentioned in his speech: “In the future, we are looking for having more and more particular cooperation to have essential discussions and cooperation and I hope we will have more opportunities to have further cooperation in the future”
Moreover, the other guest from the partner universities expressed her thoughts on having online conferences during the pandemic situation and stated: “The purpose of this online workshop was to share best practices and also challenges”
In the end, the representatives of partner universities expressed their gratitude to have the chance to visit Tajikistan.
Ref. of the article: https://iet.tj/en/we-are-continuing-our-seminar-in-the-framework-of-the-unicac-project/