Between the 23rd and the 26th of February 2021, the University of Torino (UNITO) hosted the 4 th and last training that was organised to provide the staff of the International Relations Offices of the Partner Countries with managerial expertise and specific skills and tools in several thematic areas related to the efficient administration of IROs and development of International Relations and International Cooperation policies and services.
Although originally a date was scheduled to organise this last seminar (May 2020) in Torino, the breakdown of the global pandemic of COVID-19 obliged to suspend this face-to-face activity that has been finally carried out online. In any case, UNITO has coordinated this activity and held the training in the University’s videoconference platform.
The training had a total duration of 3 days and the last day was devoted to the training organised by INCOMA. In that sense, during the first days the following topics were addressed: crossregional cooperation (framework, programmes, priorities, initiatives, future perspectives); the role of HEIs in cross-regional cooperation; links with the New Silk Road, potential and opportunities, research and innovation; and links with the socio-economic challenges in the region involved. All these topics were addressed with the active collaboration of all UNICAC partners.
On Friday, INCOMA organised a workshop adapted to the needs and preferences of Central Asia and China partners. The main content of this activity was the academic cooperation and research and innovation opportunities. Some contents such as an overview of the new funding period, new funding opportunities, how to identify the funding opportunities with special reference to Capacity Building projects were addressed.
In general, all partners were very satisfied after 4 days of hard work. Congratulations for your effort!