Impact of COVID-19 in KA2 CBHE Projects

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Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic has been a very difficult and challenging endeavour worldwide. This situation particularly affected projects funded within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, as many of them were (and to some extent continue to be) affected by restrictive measures to protect public health.  To help mitigate this problem, INCOMA, as an institution responsible for coordinating Evaluation and Quality actions as part of several Capacity Building in HE projects, and as a member of several transnational Consortia that bring together institutions from around the world, carried out a study that would allow us to investigate the details of how the current situation may have affected this type of projects.  For this purpose, we conducted a survey and, based on the results and main conclusions obtained, we were able to formulate recommendations that are especially relevant to Higher Education Institutions involved in Capacity Building in Higher Education projects.  You can access results here.