The UNICAC partners organised a virtual meeting to prepare seminars about Internationalisation and Research Capacities

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Last Friday the 26th of June, all project partners met in a Virtual pre-seminar organised by the leader of this activity, LAUREA. This activity was organised with the objective to coordinate the contents of the future seminars about “Raising Standards in T/L through International Cooperation” and “Boosting Research Capacities through International Cooperation”, that will be held during the following months of the project.

The pre-seminar brought together EU Experts from LAUREA, UNITO and US, and participants from Central Asia and China Universities in order to share what they expected from these seminars and really focus the contents on partners’ needs. All of them worked together virtually and shared their ideas, creating the perfect foundation for future cooperation.

In that sense, they collaborated to create a common language and a set of shaped concepts to fully understand each other’s expectations for the development of their research capacities, among other activities.