UNICAC faces barriers imposed by COVID-19 thanks to NTICs

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COVID-19 is not just a pandemic but also a challenge that has affected all aspects of our academic life.

UNICAC project partners, as all international projects, have been touched by the collateral effects of this situation, therefore European and most of the Asian Universities are physically closed, what is more, international travels have been cancelled making impossible the continuation of physical partner meetings, and other project activities.

Nevertheless, a crisis is also an opportunity and the partnership decided to continue with the development of the activities foreseen taking advantages of new technologies and alternative ways of communication. Although partner meeting, onsite seminars, trainings and workshops are very important, they will be postponed until the global health situation will get better.

In the meantime, UNICAC continues to carry out most of the foreseen activities thanks to the use of new technologies and collaborative platforms that help us to tackle the current barrier of physical mobility. Some of these activities are the organisation of virtual working groups meetings to analyse and identify best practices in Teaching/Learning/Research in all partner universities; online seminars to prepare the Strategic Plans of Internationalisation in partner countries; or a workshop about funding opportunities and project preparation.

Because international cooperation never stops!